home Pianoforte-makers in England

Pianoforte-makers in England

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Brand Image Info Addresses
IDLE Charles 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1884-1914 [since 1877 (xx1890)(x1906)]

'Piano-Handlung' (xx1890)(x1906)

222, Walworth Road, S.E. (**1884), 157, Walworth Road, S.E. (xx1890)(x1906)(y1907)(y1914), London
ILLIF & RINTOUL 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1872 3, Lit. Crescent Street, Euston Square, W.C. (xx1872), London


  "Euterpeon. — A self-acting musical instrument, producing orchestral effects, and representing the flute, oboes, clarionet, bassoons, flageolet, piccolo, trumpet, trombone, &,c.
Price 150 to 700 guineas." The Illustrative Record and Descriptive Catalogue of the Dublin, 1866, p. 240

'Cottage Pianoforte', image of an advertisement of 1860-70

'Piccolo Pianoforte', image of an advertisement of 1860-70


LONDON - "Imhof & Mukle, 54, Oxford Street. - Orchestrion, or self-acting organ." The International Exhibition of 1862, p. 107

DUBLIN - "Lovers of music could not fail, upon entering the music or concert hall, to be attracted by the delicate tunes of a most ingenious and well-constructed musical instrument exhibited by Messrs. Imhof and Mukle, called an “orchestrion.” This grand instrument was shown near the entrance to the musical court of the Exhibition, and was one of the most striking examples of the capabilities of mechanism for producing perfect music. On this wonderful instrument innumerable different effects, variations, and shades of tone can be produced; and the mechanism is so perfect that its action is instantaneous and free from noise. The instrument in itself is most durable, and so built as to be equally suitable either for the heat of Calcutta or the frost of Siberia. The barrels can be easily and conveniently removed from the front, and the orchestrion does not, therefore, require more space than its width. The deepest notes are placed in the centre of the instrument, so that the tuner can tune each pipe from sides without disturbing any portion. The speed can be regulated by an additional fly so as to give detailed effects to the music performing. Self-acting instruments have been constructed for centuries past, but have always borne the impression of the general knowledge of mechanism and music of the time being. Instead of simplicity of action, the most complicated and awkward designs were used, and, therefore, would have better been termed motionless, instead of self-acting instruments ; but self-acting instruments are as sure to act as perfectly as other machines, [...][...]" Illustrative Record and Descriptive Catalogue of the Dublin, 1866, p. 239-240


'German Organ builders and Pianoforte-manufacturers' ca. 1862-1910

'Also self-acting pianoforte manufacturers' (**1884) ------- 'Piano-Handlung' of Selfplaying pianos and Orchestrions (x1906)

1912 - Branch manager  London : Alfred IMHOF (x1912), 'Piano-Handlung' - 'Player-Pianos u. Orchestrions'


PARIS - "7. IMHOFF & MUCKLE [sic], à Londres, New Oxford street, 110 ; Sandland street, 9, Holborn. — « Orchestrina » pour jouer des morceaux choisis d'opéra ou de danse avec effets d'orchestre." Catalogue général officiel de l'exposition universelle de 1889, p. 16 (gallica.bnf.fr)

Exhibitors List London, 1862  | Exhibitors list Dublin, 1865


Advert for Imhof & Mukle instruments ca. 1859 (museumcollections.rcm.ac.uk)

Advert for Imhof & Mukle 1912 (digital.sim.spk-berlin.de)

Advert for Imhof & Mukle of 1862, The Post Office London Directory, 1862, p. 2350


IMHOF & MUKLE in Vöhrenbach, Baden Schwarzwald, Germany

BRANCH HOUSE : 547, Oxford Street, W.C. (*1862)(**1862)(**1870)(**1882), Manufactory : 9, Sandland Street, [Bedford Row], Holborn, W.C. (**1882)(**1884)(**1891), 110, New Oxford Street, W.C. (**1884)(**1889)(**1891)(**1895)(*1906)(x1906)(y1907)(*1909)(*1910)(x1912), London

FACTORY : Vöhrenbach, bad. Schwarzwald, Baden, Germany


Advertisement in Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review, Volume 35, 1911, p. 135


Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review, Volume 33, 01/01/1910, p. 219



[since 1887 (x1912)(x1926)]

 Pianos made by Sydney ZENDER & Co


IMPERIAL PIANO Co (xx1890), 'Pianohandlung' in London

IMPERIAL ORGAN & PIANO Co Ltd. (x1906)(y1910)(y1911)(x1912)(x1926)

Successors of COLLINS ORGAN & PIANO Co

'Piano-Fabrik' or 'Piano-Manufacturer' (x1906)(x1912)(x1926) & 'Piano-Handlung' (x1912)


IMPERIAL PIANO Co Ltd. (x1926), 'Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1926)

by RUSSELL & RUSSELL Ltd. (x1926)


IMPERIAL PIANO Co (y1907) in Leicester

Same brand see IMPERIAL PIANO Co, Berlin, Germany


49, Oxford Road, Finsbury Park, N. (xx1890)(*1895)(*1897)(*1899)(*1903)(*1906)(*1907)(*1909), 45-47, Ellingford Road, Mare Street, Hackney, N.E. (x1906)(y1910)(y1911)(x1912), 9, Oxford Road (*1910), Perren Street, Ryland, Kentish Town, N.W. (x1926), London

384-386, Hessle Road (x1926), 283, Holderness Road (x1926), Hull

Brougham Street (y1907), Leicester


Patent of 1874 : "July 27, 1874. - D. IMTROF. Automatic piano." The History of the Pianoforte: With an Account of the Theory of Sound and ..., Edgar Brinsmead, 1889, p. 224


Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer and/or inventor ca. 1874 London ?
INCE J. E.  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano-, Musikinstr.- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1926)

Caxton House (x1926), Bromsgrove
INGHAM Barrett  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890-1926 [since 1872 (x1912)(x1926)]

'Piano- u. Harmonium-Handlung' (xx1890) ------- 'Piano-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)


North Street (xx1890), 26, Chapel Lane (x1906)(x1912)(x1926), Bingley
INGHAM Brothers  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890-1906 [since 1872 (x1906)]

'Musikal.-, Piano- u. [Musik]instr.-Handlung' (xx1890)(x1906)


294, Ovenden Road (xx1890)(x1906), Ovenden near Halifax
INGHAM W. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912

'Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1912)

41, Railway Street (x1912), Nelson

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906

'Piano-Handlung' - 'Spezialität Reparaturen' (x1906)


84, Alexandra Road, Hornsey Station, N. (x1906), London
INGRAM H. F. & Co  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-12 [since 1841 (x1906)(x1912)]

Successor of COLMAN & Co (x1906)(x1912)

1906-12 - Owner : H. J. INGRAM (x1906)(x1912)

'Musikal.- und Piano-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1912)


16, St. John's Street (x1906)(x1912), Cambridge
INGRAM & Sons  


INGRAM in Edinburgh, Scotland



'Organ builders' ca. 1912-26


INGRAM & Co Ltd. (x1912)

[since 1877 (x1912)(x1926)]

1912-26 - Owner : E. INGRAM (x1912)

 'Orgelbauer' (x1912)(x1926)

INGRAM & Co (*1921), 'Organ builders'

INGRAM & Co Ltd. (x1926)


INGRAM & Co (x1912), 'Orgelbauer'



St. George's Hall (x1926), Hereford


Edinburgh, Scotland

INGRAM W. & Son  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890-1926 [since 1838 (x1906)(x1912)(x1926)]

'Piano-, Orgel- u. Harmonium-Handlung' (xx1890)(x1906) ------- 'Piano- u. Orgel-Händler u. -Stimmer' (x1912)(x1926)

Duilingham (xx1890)(x1906)(x1912)(x1926), Newmarket
INMAN J. T. 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1890 [since 1887 (xx1890)]

'Pianobauer u. Instr.-Handlung' (x1906)

34, Haddingtown Road, Morice Town (xx1890), Devonport
INNES Stephen Mountcashel  

Patent of 1863 : "Feb. 13, 1863. - S. M. INNES. Transposing keyboard. " Chronological index of patents applied for and patents, 1864, p. 28" The History of the Pianoforte: With an Account of the Theory of Sound and ..., Edgar Brinsmead, 1889, p. 217 - or "Innes. 13th February 1863. - 386. Stephen Mountcashel Innes, of Hill House Hill, in the Parish of Millbrook, in the County of Hampshire, for an invention for Improvements in the construction of piano-fortes. Letters Patent sealed." Chronological index of patents applied for and patents, 1864, p. 28


'Pianoforte-maker' ? ca. 1863 Hill House Hill, Millbrook (**1864), Hampshire
INNES William 'Piano forte maker' ca. 1847 2, Keppel Street, Russel Square (*1847), London
INNS Lawrence Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano-, Musikinstr.- u. Sprechmaschinen-Handlung' (x1926)

22, High Street (x1926), Leighton Buzzard
IRELAND J. & Sons Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano-, Musikal.- u. Sprechmaschinen-Handlung' (x1926)

Anyards Road (x1926), Cobham

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-26

'Piano- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926) ------- 'Instruments, music' (*1921)


40, Cambridge Street (x1906)(x1912)(*1921)(x1926), Wellingborough
IRLAM Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1895-1910 30, Trafford Street, Hulme Dale Road (*1895)(*1906)(*1909)(*1910), Manchester
IRONS J. E. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano- u. Sprechmaschinen-Handlung' (x1926)

132, High Road (x1926), Beeston
IRVING J. T. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912

'Agent der Dominion Organ & Piano Co Ltd. in Toronto' (x1912)

30, Russell Road (x1912), Liverpool

ISAAC Frederick William

Example of a seraphine in an advertisement ca. 1833



Advert for F.W. Isaac seraphine and organ (museumcollections.rcm.ac.uk)


'Ivory, tortois-shell, and pearl worker' ca. 1832, 'organ and seraphine maker' ca. 1833

Patent of 1832 : "To FREDERICK WILLIAM ISAAC, of Charlotte-street, Fitzroy-square, in the county of Middlesex, ivory, tortois-shell, and pearl worker, for his havaing invented certain improvements in ornamenting the finger keys, and other parts of piano-fortes, organs, and other musical instruments. - [Sealed June 28th, 1832.]" The London Journal of Arts and Sciences, and Repertory of Patent Inventions, William Newton, 1832, p. 221


[17], Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square, Middlesex (*1832), London
ISHERWOOD J. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912

'Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1912)

35, Railway Road (x1912), Leigh

ISON Bertram

Advertisement in Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review, Volume 35, 1911, p. 133




"BERTRAM ISON'S Trade Chat on OVERSTRUNG PIANOS. - The New Season is now starting and the up-to-date Dealer is naturally wondering what is going to be the Seller. It is well known that the English manufacturers are far above what they were in the manufacture of Overstrung Pianos and the tendency of the general public is more and more for English Pianos made by Englishmen for Englishmen.
Bertram Ison & Co. have anticipated this demand and are producing a high class English Overstrung Piano at a Moderate Price. The tone and touch are perfect; case work, polish and general finish equal to the best foreign instrument; and the success has been instantaneous.
At the request of a number of our customers who are anxious to see them and to try the tone before buying, we are having SMALL EXHIBITS of Pianos for the TRADE ONLY at the following towns during the month of September; and we only ask our customers to WAIT AND SEE these Pianos before buying elsewhere.
BERTRAM ISON & CO., 57, Berners St., London, W." Musical Opinion and Music Trade, 01/10/1909, p. 867


Advert for Bertram Ison and Cons & Cons Piano Works, 1913(museumcollections.rcm.ac.uk)



'Pianoforte-maker'  ca. 1909-26

ISON Bertram & Co (y1909)(x1912)

'Piano-Handlung' (x1912) ------- 'Piano-Fabrik - Piano-Manufacturer' (x1926) & 'Piano-, Musikinstr.- u. Sprechm.-Grosshandlung' (x1926)

Representative for Carl MAND, Coblenz, Germany (x1912) ------- Representative for WINKELMANN, Braunschweig, Germany (y1909)(x1912)

ISON Bertram Ltd. (*1914)(y1914)(*1915)

ISON'S PIANOS Ltd. (x1926)

1910 - "MR. BERTRAM Ison had a show of pianos at the Tudor Hotel, Oxford Street, from November 15th to the 19th. Nearly all the big London dealers favoured him with a visit, as did also a few provincial gentleman who happened to be in town for the motor show at Olympia. There was «on demonstration» the Tel-Electric player attached to a Kessel's upright. The box in which the little perforated brass roll is located was a dozen feet away from the instrument (it could be used in the next room, if desired); and the magnets by which the current operates the keys are underneath the keyboard. It is a wonderful invention. The player on view was not driven by an electric current from the hotel, but simply by means of a five-cell accumulator. Winkelmann pianos (including a grand, the compass of which is up to C), made by Messrs. Zeitter and Winkelmann, merited attention; and the new and cheaper Knauss (Coblenz) instruments, to sell at forty pounds, were nearly all the time being tried and admired. It has been rumoured, we hear, that this new piano is not made by Messrs. Knauss in the Coblenz factory. Mr. Ison asks us to contradict the statement; for all models are made in the Coblenz factory only. We dare say that there were two score pianos on exhibition, not the least of them being those by Max Kleng of Dresden. Great attention was directed to three new overstrungs labelled Bertram Ison & Co. The instruments are British built, the action being an expensive continental one; and the polish was so excellent that the critical stated that they looked like and were as good as German models, but there is the advantage of them being cheaper. A couple of these designs were of the Adams and the Sheraton styles. Mr. Ison is pleased with the results up to now; and if only orders in the future get to hand as promised, -well, he will be busy. In any case a warehouse for stock will, we hear, be opened in due course in London." Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review, Volume 33, 01/01/1910, p. 220-221 - See also KESSELS, London, KNAUSS, Coblenz, Germany, ZEITTER & WINKELMANN, Braunschweig, Germany, Max KLENG, Dresden, Germany

89, Charterhouse Street, E.C. (y1909), 57, Berners Street, W. (y1909)(x1912), [662b], Anchor Works : Brewery Road, Caledonian Road, N. (y1911), Seven Sisters Road, [South Tottenham], N. (*1914)(y1914)(*1915), 203, Great College Street, Camden Town, N.W. (x1926), London
IVEMY Joseph  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890 [since 1882 (xx1890)]

'Pianohandlung' (xx1890)


Woodgrange Road, Forest Gate, E. (xx1890), London
IVES Alfred  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912 [since 1867 (x1912)]

'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)


King Street (x1912), Sudbury

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906

'Piano-Handlung' (x1906)


171, Barking Road, E. (x1906), London
IVORY Henry Allsop  

PARIS - "Ivory, Henry A., & Co. ; Fabiicants de pianos ; 23, Holborn Viaduct, London. Fabrique à Wood Green, near London.
A. Échantillon de pianos de salon de premier ordre, "full trichord," caisse elegante de bois de noyer à gros glands.
B. Échantillon de pianos d'excellente construction, faits pour le peuple, à des prix tres moderes ; ces instruments réunissent k une, bonne execution une longue duree et une apparence suffisamment elegante."
Catalogue officiel de la section anglaise, 1878, p. 67 (archive.org)

PARIS - "Ivory, Henry A., & Co.; Pianoforte Manufacturers ; 23, Holborn Viaduct, London. Factory, Wood Green, near London.
A. Specimen of High Class Drawing-room Pianoforte, full trichord, in elegant burr walnut case.
B. Specimen of thoroughly well-made Pianoforte designed for the people, combining durability and excellence of workmanship with sufficient attractiveness of appearance, and at extremely moderate cost." Official Catalogue of the British Section, Paris Exhibirion, 1878, p. 64

MELBOURNE - "COTTAGE PIANOS. [...] IVORY AND Sons, London. - Bichord and trichord instruments. The cases, in mahogany, veneered with walnut, are solidly constructed. Third award." Official Record: Containing Introduction, History of Exhibition, Description ..., 1882, p. 50



'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1862-93 [since 1881 (xx1890)]

IVORY H. Allsop (*1862)

IVORY Henry A. & Co (**1878)

IVORY & Sons (***1882)

IVORY H. A. & Co Ltd. (**1884)(xx1890)

'Pianofabrik' (xx1890)

Exhibitors list London, 1872 | Exhibitors list Vienna, 1873 | Exhibitors list Paris, 1878 | Third award Melbourne, 1880


275 & 338, Euston Road, N.W. (*1862), Mayes Road, Wood Green, N. (**1874), 23, Holborn Viaduct, E.C. (**1878)(**1882), Factory : Wood Green, Tottenham (**1873)(**1878), Peele Grove, Old Ford Road, Bethnal Green, E. (**1882)(**1884), Peele Grove, Cambridge Heath Road, E. (xx1890)(**1891)(*1893), London


"IVORY AND PRANGLEY, Pianoforte Makers, 275, Euston-hoad, London, N.W
Ivory and Pranglzy solicit the attention of the Musical Profession and Trade to their new English Piccolo Pianos in Rosewood or Italian Walnut cases, with Albert fall. Height, 3 feet 9 inches. Finished with Stewart's Patent grand action. Price ai guineas.
Semi Cottage Pianos in Rosewood or Italian Walnut. Height, 4 feet. Price 18 guineas, with Trusses 30 guineas. Cottage Pianos, very elegant, with Trichord Treble. Height, 4 feet 4 inches. Rosewood 42 guineas, Walnut 3 guineas extra.
Oblique Grands, 7 octaves, with patent grand check action and Gradus Key. Price 60 guineas; Walnut 4 guineas extra.
All the above pianos are finished with Stewart's Patent. Hopper to prevent blocking. 275, Euston-road, N.W." The Musical Times, Volume 12, 01/04/1865, p. 23



'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1862-67

LONDON - "3415 Ivory & Prangley, 275, Euston-rd. London. — Semi-cottage pianoforte with grand action and keys." International exhibition, 1862 : Official catalogue of the industrial department, 1862, p. 54

Exhibitors List London, 1862 | Exhibitors list Paris, 1867


275, Euston Road (x1862)(*1865)(*1867), London


(*1832): 'The London Journal of Arts and Sciences, and Repertory of Patent Inventions', William Newton, 1832, p. 221

(*1847): 'The Post Office London Directory', 1847, p. 1308

(*1862): 'The Post Office London Directory', 1862, p. 1676-1677

(x1862): 'International exhibition, 1862 : Official catalogue of the industrial department', 1862, p. 54

(**1862): 'Cassell's Illustrated Exhibitor', 1862, p. 285

(**1864): 'Chronological index of patents applied for and patents', 1864, p. 28

(*1865): 'The Musical Times', Volume 12, 01/04/1865, p. 23

(*1867): 'Paris Universal Exhibition of 1867: Catalogue of the British Section, Great Britain. Imperial commission', Paris, 1967, p. 87-88

(**1870): 'The 'Handbook' to the manufacturers & exporters of Great Britain', 1870, p. 367

(*1872): 'Journal of the Society of Arts', Volume 20, 1872, p. 889

(xx1872): 'The international guide to British and foreign merchants and manufacturers ...', 1872, London p. 382-384

(**1873): 'The British section at the Vienna Universal Exhibition, 1873 : Fine Art Galleries, Industrial, Agricultural and Machinery Halls, and park : official catalogue, with plans and illustrations', 1873, p. 113 (archive.org)

(**1874): 'Post Office Directory of Middlesex', 1874, p. 501

(**1878): 'Catalogue officiel de la section anglaise', 1878, p. 67 (archive.org)

(**1882): 'Post Office London Directory', 1882, p. 412

(**1884): 'Business Directory of London', 1884, p. 618-619

(**1889): 'Catalogue général officiel de l'exposition universelle de 1889', p. 16 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(xx1890): 'Weltadressbuch der gesammten Musikinstrumenten-Industrie', 1890, Bingley p. 154, Devonport p. 163, London PF p. 176-177 & London PD p. 178-182, Newmarket p. 194, Ovenden p. 196 (digital.slub-dresden.de)

(**1891): 'Post Office London Trades Directory', 1891, p. 480-481

(*1893): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1893, p. 656-664 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(*1895): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1895, p. 717-718 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(**1895): 'Post Office London Directory, 1895, p. 2038-2039

(*1897): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1897, p. 834-841 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(*1899): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1897, p. 1010-1017 (gallica.bnf.fr)




(*1903): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1903, London p. 1103 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(*1906): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique', 1906, p. 1091-1100 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(x1906): 'Weltadressbuch der gesammten Musikinstrumenten-Industrie', 1906, Vöhrenbach p. 227, Bingley p. 379, Cambridge p. 387-388, Hereford p. 406, Liverpool p. 415-416, London PF p. 417-420 & London PD p. 423-434, Newmarket p. 469, Ovenden p. 473, Wellingborough p. 493 (digital.sim.spk-berlin.de)

(*1907): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1907, p. 1094-1104 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(y1907): 'Kelly's Directory of Merchants, Manufacturers and Shippers', 1907, p. 13-14, London p. 5-6

(*1909): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1909, p. 1105-1113 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(y1909): 'Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review', Volume 33, 1909, WINKELMANN p. 57, ISON Bretram p. 86

(*1910): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1910, p. 1144-1153 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(y1910): 'Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review, Volume 33, 01/01/1910, IMPERIAL p. 219

(y1911): 'Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review', Volume 35, 1911, ISON BERTRAM p. 133, IMPERIAL p. 135

(x1912): 'Welt-Adressbuch der gesamten Musikinstrumenten-Industrie', 1912, Bingley p. 506, Cambridge p. 515-516, Hereford p. 537, Leigh p. 545-546, Liverpool p. 546-457, London PF p. 550-554 & London PD p. 559-572, Nelson p. 607, Newmarket p. 609, Sudbury p. 627, Wellingborough p. 633 (digital.sim.spk-berlin.de)

(*1914): 'Post Office London Directory', 1914, p. 1837-1838 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(y1914): 'Kelly's manufacturers and merchants directory, including industrial services', 1914, p. 3019-3020 London p. 2356-2357 (archive.org)

(*1915): 'Post Office London Directory', 1915, p. 1796-1797 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(*1921): 'The Music Trade Directory', Volume 32, 1921

(x1921): 'Kelly's Directory of Stationers, Printers, Booksellers, Publishers and ...', 1921, Liverpool p. 954-966

(x1926): 'Weltadressbuch der gesammten Musikinstrumenten-Industrie', 1926, Beeston p. 192, Bingley p. 193, Bromsgrove p. 202, Cobham p. 209, Hereford p. 231, Hull p. 234-235, Leighton Buzzard p. 241, London PF p. 246-252 & London PD p. 260-269, Newmarket p. 304, Wellingborough p. 336 (digital.sim.spk-berlin.de)

(*1929): 'Musique-Adresses Universel', Volume 11, 1929

(¹): 'Histoire de piano de 1700 à 1950', Mario Pizzi, 1983

(²): 'Makers of the Piano 1700-1820' and 'Makers of the Piano 1820-1860', Martha Novak Clinkscale, 1993


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