home Pianoforte-makers in England

Pianoforte-makers in England

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Brand Image Info Addresses
EADES Salomon S.

1909 - "At Stockton-on-Tees, I was glad to learn that the iron industry was doing fairly well; which must reflect on the local music trade. Mr. S. S. Eades's depot in the High Street seemed to reflect the warm glow of the local industry, a capital display of pianofortes by leading makers being good evidence of the general prosperity of the town and district." Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review, 1909, p. 143


Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890-1926 [since 1880 (x1906)(x1912)(x1926)]

West Hartlepool

EADES S. S. (xx1890)(x1906)

'Musikal.- u. Instr.-Handlung' (xx1890) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Instrumenten-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)


'Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1926)


EADES S. S. Executors (x1912), 'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstrumenten-Handlung'


'Pianos, Organs' (*1921) ------- 'Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1926)


'Musikal.- u. Instr.-Handlung' (xx1890) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)


'Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1926)


EADES (xx1890)

 'Piano- u. Musikwaaren-Handlung' (xx1890) ------- 'Händler mit Musikal., Pianos, Musikinstr. u. Sprechm.' (x1912)(x1926)

EADES S[alomon] S. (x1912)(x1926)


'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)

West Hartlepool

'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1926)



MAIN FIRM : 65, Linn Street (xx1890), 43, Lynn Street (x1906)(x1912)(*1921), West Hartlepool

BRANCH : Front Street (x1926), Chester-le-Street

BRANCH : 75, West Street (x1912)(*1921), Gateshead-on-Tyne

BRANCH : 2, Grange Road (*1921)(x1926), Jarrow-on-Tyne

BRANCH : Bridge Street, W. (xx1890), 15, Newport Road (x1912)(x1926), Middlesborough

BRANCH : 4, King Street (x1926), Spennymoor; (x1912)

BRANCH : 59, High Street (xx1890), 71, High Street (*1921)(x1926), Stockton-on-Tees

BRANCH : 34, Fawcett Street (x1912)(*1921), 27, Fawcett Street (x1926), Sunderland

BRANCH : 43, Lynn Street (x1926), West Hartlepool


Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1855


Steep (xx1855), Petersfeld
EARLE T. M. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-12

'Piano-Händler und -Stimmer' (x1906)(x1912)

Cromwell Road (x1906), 137, Lincoln Road(x1912), Peterborough
EARLE T. W. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1901 Lower Addiscombe Road, Croydon (**1901), London
EARNSHAW A. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912

'Piano- u. Orgel-Händler u. -Stimmer' (x1912)

Welback Street (x1912), Castleford
EARNSHAW Harry Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1907 9, Oakfield Road, Stroud Green, N. (y1907), London
EASON Alexander  


'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1882-97 [since 1864 (xx1890)]

'Pianofabrik' (xx1890) & 'Pianohandlung' (xx1890)


217, Kentish Town Road, N.W. (xx1872), 217-219, Kentish Town Road, N.W. (**1882)(**1884)(xx1890)(**1891)(*1893)(*1895)(**1895)(*1897), Grafton Mews Prince of Wales Road (**1884), Angler's Lane, Kentish Town, N.W. (**1884), London



Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1926)


73, High Road, N. (x1926), London
EAST W. J.  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-26

'Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Piano-, Orgel-, Bestandteile u. Saiten-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)


22, Gardner Street (x1906)(x1912)(x1926), Brighton

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926; (x1926)

'Piano-, Musikinstr.- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1926)


EASTMAN J. R. 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1926

'Piano-Fabrik - Piano-Manufacturer' (x1926)

87-91, Willesden Lane, Kilburn, N.W. (x1926), London
EASTMURE Joseph 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1818; (³)(z1818) London
EASTWOOD Charles Henry  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890-1906 [since 1860 (xx1890) or since 1886 (x1906)]

'Musiklehrer, Piano- u. Geigenhändler' (xx1890) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906)


19, Cow Green (xx1890)(x1906), Halifax
EASTWOOD Richard & Sons  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-12 [since 1860 (x1906) or since 1870 (x1906)(x1912)]


'Handlung mit Pianos u. echten Meistergeigen' (x1906) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)

EASTWOOD Richard (x1912)


'Musikal.- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906) in Nelson


14, Albert Road (x1906)(x1912), Colne

Leeds Road (x1906), Nelson


Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912 [since 1887 (x1912)]

'Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)


205, Lockwood Road (x1912), Huddersfield

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912-26

'Piano- u. Orgel-Händler u. -Stimmer' (x1912)(x1926)

EATON G. A. (x1926)


37, Shakespeare Street (x1912), 116, Goldsmith Street (x1926), Nottingham


Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912-26

'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)

167, Queen Street, Portsea (x1912)(x1926), Portsmouth
EATON T. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890 [since 1872 (xx1890)]

'Piano- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906)

125, Gorton Lane (xx1890), West Gorton near Manchester



LONDON - "3395 Eavestaff, W. 17, Sloane-st. — A trichord walnut wood piano, 7 octaves." International exhibition, 1862 : Official catalogue of the industrial department, 1862, p. 54


'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1847-72

Exhibitors List London, 1862

66, Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury (*1847), 17, Sloane Street, Chelsea, S.W. (*1847)(**1852)(*1862)(x1862)(xx1872), 14, Berners St. Oxford St. (?), London

Edinburgh, Scotland

EAVESTAFF William Glen


Cabinet pianoforte ca. 1845, Collectie Muziekinstrumentenmuseum, Brussels, Belgium

on this site


Click on the link above.



'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1841-1910 [since 1823 (xx1890)(x1906)(x1912)] -  [According M. Pizzi established in 1804]

EAVESTAFF William Glen (**1841)(*1843)(**1852)(**1855)(x1862)(*1864)(*1873)(**1882)(xx1872)(**1884)(*1893)(*1895)(*1897)(*1903)

1882 - FIRE : "A fire broke out last week on the premisesof Messrs. Eavestaff, pianoforte manufacturers, Euston-road. When the workmen left, at seven o'clock, everything appaered safe, and the building was left in charge of the watchman for the night. At about nine o'clock in the evening, however, smoke and flame suddenly burst through a window on the second floor. The premises, with their valuable contents, were entirely destroyed. The loss sustained is estimated at several thousand pounds." The Furniture Gazette, 16/09/1882, p. 189

EAVESTAFF [William Glen] & Sons (**1891)(**1895)(*1906)(x1906)(*1907)(y1907)(*1909)(*1910)(x1912)

'Piano-Fabrik' or 'Piano-Manufacturer' (x1906)(x1912)(x1926) - and 'Piano-Handlung' (x1906)(x1912)

EAVESTAFF William Glen & Sons Ltd. (y1914)

EAVESTAFF & Sons (x1926)

LONDON - "3396 Eavestaff, W. G. 60, Gt. Russell-st. Bloomsbury. — Piano." International exhibition, 1862 : Official catalogue of the industrial department, 1862, p. 54

LONDON - "Mr. W. G. EAVESTAFF (3396) exhibits three uprights, and is Honourany Mentioned for good workmanship." Reports by the Juries on the subjects in the thirty-six classes into which ..., 1862, p. 148

LONDON - "EAVESTAFF, WILLIAM GLEN. – Upright and Oblique Pianofortes, in metal frames, with varied check actions." The Musical Standard: A Newspaper for Musicians, Professional and Amateur, 22/08/1885, p. 121

LONDON - "At 3,611, Mr. W. G. EAVESTAFF, Berners-street, shows a pianoforte-case of good design, in American walnut wood, with ornamental hinges on the fall, and the front panels coloured in imitation of marquetry." The Furniture Gazette, 01/07/1885, p. 310

Exhibitors List London, 1862 | Exhibitors List London, 1872 | Exhibitors list London, 1885


66, Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury, W.C. (**1841)(x1842)(*1843)(**1852), Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury (**1855), 21, Gilbert Street, Bloomsbury, W.C. (*1862), [60], Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury, W.C. (*1862)(x1862)(*1864)(xx1872)(*1873), South Place, Euston Road, N.W. (*1862)(**1882)(**1884)(**1891)(**1895), 14, Berners Street, Oxford Street, W. (**1882)(**1884)(**1885)(xx1890)(**1891)(*1893)(*1895)(**1895)(*1897)(*1899)(*1903)(*1906)(x1906)(*1907)(y1907)(*1909), Factory : Southplace, Easton Road (xx1890)(x1906), 38, Baker Street, Portman Square, W. (*1910)(x1912), Factory : Wealdstone, N.W. (x1912), 78, Salusbury Road, [West] Kilburn, N.W. (y1914)(x1926), London

'Pianoforte-manufacturer' ca. 1858

Patent of 1858 : "1568. Ebenezer Chard, of Islington, for improvements in pianofortes." Newton's London Journal of Arts and Sciences, 1858, p. 183


Islington, London

'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1907-14

See HIRSCH E. & Co (y1907)(*1914)(y1914)




59-60-61, Hatton Garden, E.C. (y1907), 113, Cottenham Road, Holloway, N. (*1914)(y1914), London



"Eberhart -Englisch factor fecit in Paris 1784"


'English factor' ca. 1784


EBERHARD Philippe à Paris, France



London ?

Paris, France


ECCLES Alfred  


  Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912-26

'Made in Berlin' (x1912) & 'Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)

138, Meadow Lane (x1912), 136, Meadow Lane, Dewsbury Road (x1926), Leeds
ECCLES Herbert  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912-26

'Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)


44a, Tong Road, New Wortley (x1912), 121, Wellington Road (x1926), Leeds
ECCLES James  

  Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890-1912 [since 1870 (xx1890)(x1906)(x1912)]


'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel- u. [Musik]Instr.-Händler u. Stimmer' (x1906)(x1912) in Blackburn


'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)


'Musiklehrer, Piano- u. [Musik]instr.-Handlung' (xx1890)(x1906) ------- 'Musiklehrer, sowie Piano- u. Orgel-, Musikinstr.-Händler' (x1912)


'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)



21, Railway Road (x1906)(x1912), Blackburn

BRANCH : 14, Castle Street (x1912), Clitheroe

 [Victoria Buildings], Market Street (xx1890)(x1906)(x1912), Darwen

BRANCH : Farnworth (x1912)



  Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890

'Musikal.- u. Pianohandlung' (xx1890)



54, Gibbet Street (xx1890), Halifax


ECKSTEDT Thomas James
'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1842-84 1, Bridge House, [Borough] Place, Newington  (x1842)(*1843), 37, Bridge House Place, Borough (*1847), 17, Crosby Row, Walworth Road (**1852), 2, High Street, Newington btts., S. (*1862), 148, Blackfriars Road, S.E. (xx1872)(**1882)(**1884), London


Advertisement in Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review, Volume 33, 1910, p. 317

'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1895-1914


  ECKE in Berlin, Germany


MAIN FIRM : Berlin, Germany

BRANCH : 31, Conduit Street, W. (**1895), 32, Newman Street, Oxford Street, W. (y1910), 12, Percy Street, W. (*1914), London


  Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912-26

'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)



Cross Lane (x1912)(x1926), Earlestown



Patent of 1885 : "Sep. 21, 1885. - W. R. EDDINGTON. Attachments for actuating pianos and organs." The History of the Pianoforte: With an Account of the Theory of Sound and ..., Edgar Brinsmead, 1889, p. 240



Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer and inventor ca. 1885


 London ?
EDGAR James J.  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1834-80

'Piano forte tuner & c.' (z1834) ------- 'Musical Instrument Maker and tuner' & Pianoforte warehouse' (y1853)


44, Berry Street (z1834), Garston (y1853), 1, Upper Duke Street (y1846)(y1853), 3, Upper Duke Street, W. (**1880), Liverpool

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano-Handlung' (x1926)


17, Holly Road, Edgbaston (x1926), Birmingham
EDIS A. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906

'Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1906)


Rounds Green (x1906), Oldbury


EDMEADES William  

1882 - "The Bankrupty Act, 1869. In the London Bankruptcy Court. In the matter of William Edmeades, of 8, Soho-square, in the county of Middlesex, Pianoforte Manufacturer, trading as Levesque, Edmeades and Co, a Bankrupt. Before Mr. Registrar Murray, sitting as Chief Judge. Upon reading a report of the Trustee of the property af the bankrupt, dated the 30th day of June, 1880, reporting that the whole of the property of the bankrupt that can be realized has been realized for the benefit of his creditors, as shown by the statement thereunto annexed, and upon reading the report of the Official Assignee, dated the 15th day of November, 1882, and no creditor appearing to oppose, and hearing the Trustee, the Court being satisfied that the whole of the property of the bankrupt has been realized, doth order and declare that the bankruptcy of the said William Edmeades has closed.-Given under the Seal of the Court this 18th day of November, 1882." The London Gazette, 21/11/1882, p. 5315



'Patent Grand and Cabinet Pianoforte-manufacturer' ca. 1842-82

EDMEAD [sic] Wiliam & Co (*1843)

LEVESQUE, EDMEADES & Co (x1848)(*1850)(**1852)(*1882), see also LEVESQUE


 32, Walbrook (x1842)(*1843), 8, Soho Square, in the county of Middlesex (y1882), London

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano-Reparateur' (x1926)


38, Water Lane (x1926), Preston

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-26

'Piano-Händler u. -Stimmer' (x1906) ------- 'Piano-, Orgel- u. Bestandteile-Händler, auch -Stimmer u. -Reparateur' (x1912)(x1926)


17, Park Grove (x1906), 80, Park Grove (x1912)(x1926), Barnsley

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912

'Piano-Handlung' (x1912)


42, Holborn Viaduct (x1912), London

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-26

'Piano-Händler u. -Stimmer' (x1906) ------- 'Piano- u. Orgel-Händler u. -Stimmer' (x1912)(x1926)


High Street, Ryde House (x1906)(x1912)(x1926), Brentwood
EDWARDS Alfred & Baron Pianoforte-makers and/or pianoforte dealers ca. 1904-15

'Piano-Handlung' (x1906)(x1912)


24, Stoke Newington Road, N. (**1904)(x1906)(y1907), Stanley Road, Dalston Junction (x1906), 248a, Dalston Lane, N.E. (y1907), 281, Mare Street, Hackney, N.E. (x1912)(*1914)(y1914)(*1915), 238, Dalston Lane, Stanley Road, Dalston Junction, N.E. (x1912)(*1914)(y1914)(*1915), London


EDWARDS A. & BUTTON 'Pianoforte-makers' ca. 1906-10

'Piano-Fabrik' or 'Piano-Manufacturer' (x1906) & 'Piano-Handlung' (x1906)

451-459, Green Lanes, Harringay, N. (x1906), 45 ¹∕₉, Green Lane (*1910), London
EDWARDS Charles Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-12

'Piano-Händler u. -Stimmer' (x1906)(x1912)

Victoria Buildings, Stamford New Road (x1906)(x1912), Altrincham
EDWARDS Charles & Son  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912 [since 1600 (x1912)]

'Piano-Handlung' & 'Auch Fabrik von Saiten aller Art' (x1912)


41, Cowcross Street, E.C. (x1912), London
EDWARDS E. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912 [since 1898 (x1906)]

'Piano-, Orgel u . Musikinstr.-Händler u. -Reparateur' (x1912)

50, Middle Street (x1912), Yeovil
EDWARDS F. & Co 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1906 [since 1870 (x1906)]

'Piano-Fabrik' or 'Piano-Manufacturer' (x1906)

51-59, Southampton Street, Pentonville, N. (x1906), London
EDWARDS F. & Co Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano-Handlung' (x1926)

35, Westgate Street (x1926), Bath
EDWARDS G. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912-26

'Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)

Somercotes near Alfreton (x1912)(x1926)
EDWARDS H. 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1842 2, Seymour Street, Euston Square (x1842), London

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano- u. Orgel-Händler' (x1926)


15, Challoner Street (x1926), Cockermouth
EDWARDS John Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1846 21, Oldham Street (y1846), Manchester
EDWARDS John 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1891-95 10, Euston Buildings, N.W. (**1891)(**1895), London
EDWARDS R. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano-Handlung' (x1926)

194, Guide Lane (x1926), Audenshaw near Manchester
'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1847-1909 [since 1830 (xx1890)]

'Pianohandlung' (xx1890)


1, Seymour Street, Euston Square, N.W. (*1847)(**1852)(*1862), 28, Southampton Mews, Euston Square, N.W. (*1862)(**1882), 10, Euston buildings, Euston Square, N.W. (**1884), 2, Seymour Street, Euston Square, N.W. (**1882)(**1884)(xx1890)(*1893), New Wharf Road (*1895)(*1897)(*1899)(*1903)(*1906)(*1907)(*1909), London


EDWARDS Robert 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1852  20, Hanway Street, Oxford Street (**1852), London
EDWARDS R. W. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912 [since 1898 (x1906)]

'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel-, Musikinstr.- u. Sprechm.-, sowie Fahrrad-Handlung' (x1912)

4, King Street (x1912), Spennymoor
EDWARDS & SEARLE 'Pianoforte-makers' ca. 1912

'Piano-Fabrik' (x1912)

Back of 521 Green Lanes, Harringay, N. (x1912), London
EDWARDS & Sons  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-26 [since 1883 (x1906)(x1912)(x1926)]

EDWARDS & Sons (x1906)

 'Musikal.-Verlag, Piano- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Musikal.-Verlag, Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)

EDWARDS & Son (x1912)(x1926)


67, London Road (x1906)(x1912), Brighton

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912-26 [since 1862 (x1912)(x1926)]

Somercotes & Hexam

'Photograph. Atelier, führt nebenbei Musikal., Pianos, Orgeln' (x1912)(x1926)


Somercotes near Alfreton (x1912)

17, Hencotes (*1921)(x1926), Hexham

EDWARDS William Henry  

Square pianoforte date ?, Georgian House, Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K.
Square pianoforte ca. 1800, Private Collection ?, U.K.
Square pianoforte ca. 1805, Susan A. Butt, Bath, England, U.K.
Square pianoforte ca. 1830, Dominic Winter Auctioneers (14/10/2021
Upright pianoforte before 1836, Collection McCrae, McCrae Homestead, Victoria, Australia


'Piano-forte-manufacturer' ca. 1803-43 17, Bridge Road, Lambeth (*1803)(*1814)(*1816)(*1817)(*1818)(*1820)(*1823)(x1825)(**1841)(x1842)(*1843), London

'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1926

'Piano-Fabrik - Piano-Manufacturer' (x1926)


182-182a, St. Ann's Road, Tottenham, N. (x1926), London

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano-Handlung' (x1926)


115, Railton Road, Brixton, S.E. (x1926), London
EHRLICH Paul & Co  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912

'Piano-Handlung' & 'Importeure, auch in kl. Musikinstr.' (x1912)


57, Basinghall Street, E.C. (x1912), London
EILOART Ferdinand  


See Allposters.com


'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1841-43  

64, Seymour Street, Euston Square (**1841)(*1843), 63-64, Seymour Street, Euston Square (x1842), London



Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano-Händler u. -Reparateur' (x1926)


26, Armoury Road, Small Heath (x1926), Birmingham
ELGAR Brothers  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-12 [since 1841 (x1906)(x1912)]

'Piano- u. Musikinstr.-Händler' (x1906) ------- 'Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)

ELGAR Frank & Co (x1912)

1912 - Owner : Frank ELGAR (x1912)


10, High Street (x1906)(x1912), Worcester
ELLETT Edward 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1852

WARREN, ELLETT & Co (**1852), see also WARREN

5 & 7, Hoxton Old town (**1852), London
ELLIOTT Charles A.  

'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1906-26

'Pianobauer u. Musikinstr.-Händler' (x1906) ------- 'Pianobauer u. -Reparateur, sowie Musikinstr.-Händler' (x1912)(x1926)


197, St. Helens Road (x1906), 19, St. Helens Road, Daubhill (x1912), 286, Derby Street, Daubhill (x1921)(x1926), Bolton, Lancs
ELLIOTT H. O. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 19?? 78, Finsbury, Pavement (19??), London
ELLIOTT John Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906

'Musikal.- u. Piano-Handlung' (x1906)

High Street (x1906), Stroud

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912-26

'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912) ------- 'Piano-, Musikinstr.- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1926)



46, High Street (x1912)(x1926), Tunbridge-Wells
ELLIOTT T. W. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-12

'Piano-Handlung' (x1906)(x1912)

119a, Amerley Road, S.E. (x1906), 6, Minden Road, Anerley Road, S.E. (x1912), London

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-26

St. Albans

'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926) ------- 'Piano and music sellers' (*1921)

ELLIOTT W. J. Ltd. (x1921)

Harrow-on-the-Hill (near London)

'Musikal.- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)

ELLIOTT W. J. Ltd. (x1926)


'Musikal.- u. Piano-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)



MAIN FIRM : Chequer Street (x1906)(x1912), 16-18-20, Chequer Street (*1921)(x1921), Chequer Street (x1926), St. Albans

BRANCH : 12, Greenhill Parade, St. Anne's Road (x1906)(x1912)(x1921)(x1926), Harrow-on-the-Hill, near London

BRANCH : High Street (x1921), Harpenden

BRANCH : Queen's Road (x1906), 49, Queen's Road (x1912)(x1921)(x1926), Watford

ELLIOTT William  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1846

'Music & musical instrument seller' (y1846)


23, Ann Street (y1846), Birmingham
ELLIS & Co Pianoforte-makers and/or pianoforte dealers ca. 1906-26 [since 1897 (x1906)(x1912)]

'Piano-Handlung' (x1906)(x1912) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1926)


54, High Street, Hornsey Station, N. (x1906), 52-54-56, 89, High Street, Hornsey, N. (y1907), 52-56, High Street, Hornsey, N. (x1912)(x1926), 98, Stroud Green Road, Finsbury Park, N. (x1912), [89], Stroud Green Road, N. (y1907)(*1916)(*1917)(*1918)(*1919)(x1926), London


ELLIS E. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906

'Musikal.- u. Piano-Händler, Reparateur u. Stimmer' (x1906)

24, Bradford Road (x1906), Dewsbury
ELLIS Edward 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1855 Wilson Street, Newark (xxx1855), Nothingham
ELLIS Herbert  

  Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890-1926 [since 1875 (xx1890)(x1906)(x1912)(x1926)]

'Piano- u. Musikal.-Handlung' (xx1890) ------- 'Musikal.- u. Piano-Handlung, -Stimmer u. Reparat.' (x1906) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Orgel-Händler, -Stimmer u. -Reparateur' (x1912)(x1926)


71, Foregate Street (xx1890)(x1906)(x1912)(x1926), Chester
ELLIS J. H. & Co Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890; (xx1890)

'Musikinstr.-Macher, Musikal.- u. Pianohändler' (xx1890)

ELLIS John  

Patent of 1875 : "March I, 1875. - J. ELLIS. Transposing keyboard." The History of the Pianoforte: With an Account of the Theory of Sound and ..., Edgar Brinsmead, 1889, p. 225

'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1875-1919 [since 1888 (x1906)(x1912)]

'Piano-Fabrik' or 'Piano-Manufacturer' (x1906)(x1912) & 'Piano-Handlung' (x1912)

ELLIS John Ltd. (*1918)(*1919)


1, 6, 7, Kenmur Yard, K. Road (*1895)(*1897)(*1899)(*1903)(*1906)(*1907)(*1909), Alexandra Works, [2a], Wiesbaden Road, Stoke Newington, N. (**1904)(x1906)(*1910), 288, Green Street, [Upton Park], Forest Gate, [N.]E. (x1912)(y1914), 636a, Romford Road (x1912), 130, Shacklewell Lane, [Dalston Junction], Hackney, N.E. (x1912)(y1914)(*1916)(*1917)(*1918)(*1919), London


ELLIS V. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906

'Piano-Handlung' (x1906)

191, St. John Hill, New Wandsworth, S.W. (x1906), London

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890-1906

ELLISTON T. junior (xx1890), 'Pianohandlung'

ELLISTON T. (x1906), 'Piano- u. Orgel-Händler u. -Stimmer'


[Siam ho.], Acton Square (xx1890)(x1906), Sudbury
ELMA 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1950 London
ELMAN Brothers Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906 [since 1894 (x1906)]

'Piano-Handlung' (x1906)

8-72-81, Chatsworth Road, N.E. (x1906), London
ELMAN Brothers & Co Ltd.  

'Pianoforte-makers' ca. 1906-15

ELMAN Brothers & Co Ltd. (x1906)(y1907)(*1914)(*1915)

'Piano-Fabrik' or 'Piano-Manufacturer' - and - 'Piano-Handlung' - 'Auch elektr. Pianos' (x1906)


110, High Street, Whitchapel, E. (x1906), 156, Amhurst Road, N.E. (x1906), 105, Upper Street, N. (y1907), 159, Whitechapel Road, E. (x1906)(*1914)(*1915), London
ELMER Oliver Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano-, Musikinstr.- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1926)

8, High Road, Wood Green, N. (x1926), 22-23, Turnpike Lane, Hornsey, N. (x1926), London
ELMORE & Son 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1900 ? London
ELTON & Co  

Pianoforte-makers and/or pianoforte dealers ca. 1906-22 [since 1895 (x1906)(x1912)]

1906-12 - Owners : L. A. ELTON & J. WARBURTON (x1906)(x1912)

'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)


192, Blackburn Road (x1906)(x1912), 26, Regent Street (y1907), 22, Manchester Road (x1921), Haslingden
ELWICK Joseph 'Harpsichord and Piano Forte Maker' ca. 1793-94  55, Long-Acre (**1793), London




Piano brand used by Robert MORLEY and CHAPPELL ?



Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Musikal.- u. Piano-Handlung' (x1926)


116, Alexandra Road, Moss-Side (x1926), Manchester

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano-Grosshandlung' (x1926)


48, Chapel Street, London Street (x1926), Southport
EMBERTON J. & Sons Ltd.  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1926)


8, Bristol Street (x1926), Birmingham

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906

'Piano-Handlung' (x1906)


99, Honeywall Road, Wandsworth Common, S.W. (x1906), London

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890-1926


EMERY J. (xx1890)(x1906)

EMERY & Son (x1912)(x1926)

'Musik-Lehrer u. Piano-Händler' (xx1890)(x1906) ------- , 'Piano u. Orgel-Handlung, auch Konzert-Agentur' (x1912)(x1926)


'Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1912)


Broad Street (xx1890), 48, Broad Street (x1906)(x1912)(x1926), Hanley

Stafford Street (x1912), Longton


Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano-Handlung' (x1926)


50, New Briggate (x1926), Leeds

'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1926

'Piano-Fabrik - Piano-Manufacturer' (x1926)


104, Blundell Street, N. (x1926), 5, Market Road (x1926), London

'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1906-07 [since 1892 (x1906)]

'Piano-Fabrik' or 'Piano-Manufacturer' (x1906)


Succeeded by HUMPHREY J. & Co (x1912)


 57, Tillington Park, Finsbury Park, N. (x1906)(y1907), London
ENDERBY & Son Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912-26 [since 1867 (x1912)(x1926)]

'Orgelbauer u. Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Händler' (x1912)(x1926)

11, Church Street (x1912)(x1926), Boston
ENGLAND J. 'Organ Builder' ca. 1793 Stephen Street, Tottenham Court Road (**1793), London
ENGLAND James 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1836-63

'Music & Musical Instrument Seller' (y1846)

[1], Horfield Road (x1836)(y1846), 5, Alfred Place, Kingsdown (***1863), Bristol
ENGLAND'S PIANO Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912

'Piano-Handlung' (x1926)

Station Road (x1926), Blackpool
ENGLISH PIANO FACTORY 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1900 London
ENNEVER William Joseph  

LONDON - "Messrs. Ennever and Steedman exhibit an upright cottage, 6¾ octaves, C to A, in highly decorated case. The keys (made by Messrs. Brookes) are of pearl and tortoiseshell, instead of ivory and ebony. We think this is a mistake, as the variegated shades must disturb the eye of the player." Newton's London Journal of Arts and Sciences, 1851, p. 30

LONDON - "479 Ennever & Steadman, 31 George Street, Euston Square - Manufacturers. Elegant walnut marquetrie semi-cottage pianoforte, new design, with double action. The pearl and tortoise-shell keys made by T. and H. Brooks, 31 Cumberland Market. Plain walnut square-fall piccolo, or microchordian piano-forte, with single action." Official description and illustrated catalogue of the Great exhibition, 1851, p. 465

LONDON - "479 Ennever & Steedman, Fab., 31, George Street. – Zwei Pianofortes." Amtlicher Catalog der Ausstellung der Industrie-Erzeugnisse aller Völker, 1851, p. 66

"Ennever & Steedman, Pianoforte Manufacturers, with Metallic Plate, and all the last Improvements, 3, Little Crescent-street, Euston-square." The British Colonies : their history, extent, condition and resources, 1851, p. 5 (archive.org)


On the official site Ennever.com



'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1850-1910 [since 1848 (xx1890)(x1906)]

Successor of ALLISON & ALLISON

ENNEVER & STEEDMAN (*1850)(**1851)(y1851)(**1852)(y1854)(y1857), see also STEEDMAN

1850 - "ENNEVER & STEEDMAN, Pianoforte Manufacturers, with Metallic Plate, and all the last Improvements, 3, Little Crescent-street, Euston-square." The British Colonies: Their History, Extent, Condition and ..., Volume 4, 1850, p. 3

ENNEVER William Joseph (*1862)

ENNEVER William Joseph & Co (***1863)

ENNEVER W[illiam] J[oseph] & Son (*1872)(xx1872)(**1882)(**1884)(xx1890)(**1891)(*1893)(*1895)(**1895)(*1897)(*1903)(*1906)(x1906)(*1907)(*1909)(*1910)

'Piano-Fabrik' or 'Piano-Manufacturer' (xx1890)(x1906) & 'Piano-Handlung' (x1906)


"PIANOFORTES. - W. J. ENNEVER & CO., PIANOFORTE MAKERS, 18, SOHO SQUARE, W. Manufacturers to the late firm of Allison and Allison, Dean Street, Soho. W. J. E. & CO. respectfully invite the attention of the Clergy, Nobility and the Profession, to the Stock of FIRST-CLASS PIANOFORTES which they have always on hand, from which to select either for Sale or Hire. Pianofortes Manufactured For Extreme Climates. Also for Schools, in Ash, Mahogany or American Walnut, at 24 Guineas. Pianofortes Tuned, Repaired, taken in Exchange, &c." The Choir, and musical record, 03/10/1863, p. 133

Exhibitors list London, 1851

3, Little Crescent Street, Euston Square (*1850)(y1851)(**1852)(y1854)(y1857), 31, George Street, Euston Square (**1851)(**1852), 18, Soho Square, W. (*1862)(***1863)(xx1872)(**1882), [1a], Rochester Place, Kentish Town, N.W. (**1882)(**1884), 48, Rochester Road, Kentish Town (**1884), 57, Berners Street, Oxford Street, W. (**1884)(xx1890)(**1891)(*1893)(*1895)(*1897)(*1899)(*1903), 67, Berner Street, W. (**1895), 70, Berners Street, W. (*1906)(*1907)(*1909)(*1910), 64, Newman Street, W. (x1906), London
ENOCH Edmund  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890 [since 1862 (xx1890)]

'Pianohandlung' (xx1890)


Station Road (xx1890), Redhill
ENOCH & Sons  

Pianoforte-makers and/or pianoforte dealers ca. 1906-10


14-[14a], Great Marlborough Street, W. (*1906)(*1907)(*1910), London



'Pianoforte-makers' ca. 1895-1910 26, Stanhope Street, N.W. (*1895)(*1897)(*1899)(*1903)(*1906)(*1907)(*1909)(*1910), London

ERARD Pierre

(1796 - 1855)





Patent of 1825, Newton's London Journal of Arts and Sciences, Volume 12, 1826, p. 413



Erard's Elizabethian New Patent Grand Oblique Pianoforte, Exhibition London, 1851, Official description and illustrated catalogue of the Great exhibition, 1851, p. 468



Grand pianoforte ca. 1854 , Thomas Winter, San Francisco, California, U.S.
Grand pianoforte n° 726 ca. 1862, The Schureck Piano Collection, Berowra Heights, NSW, Australia
Grand pianoforte n° 8240 of 1864, Collection Wim Van Moerbeke, Belgium

Grand pianoforte of 1832

"(306). Flügel von Pierre Erard in London 1832. Mit Tintenautograph vom Erbauer (Offert à Mendelssohn comme souvenir d'amitié par Pierre Erard, London 22 juin 1832) als Widmung an F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, aus dessen Besitz es stammt (Geschenk der Familie), sowie mit den Autographen von J. Moscheles und Pierson. Pierre Erard, Neffe und Nachfolger des berühmten Seb. Erard lebte 1796-1855. Komplizirte Stosszungenmechanik mit Zubehör. Spielart ein wenig schwerfällig, besonders bei Sprüngen, mehr für Rouladen geeignet, Klang voll und etwas dick. Umfang 6 Oktaven + Quart (C-f)." Führer durch die Sammlung alter Musik-Instrumente, 1892, p. 122

on this site


Click on the links here above


ERARD Showroom & pianofortes, 18 Great Marlborough Street, marylebone St. Johns Wood and Mayfair, London, 1895 (historicengland.org.uk)


'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1786-1926 [since 1786 in London and since 1780 (xx1890)(x1906) in Paris, France, or since 1870 (x1912)???]

He went back to Paris in 1796.

1837 - "The Queen has been graciously pleased to appoint Mr. Erard, of Great Marlborough-street, harp and piano-forte maker to Her Majesty. — Morning Post."  THE MUSICAL WORLD, A WEEKLY RECORD OF MUSICAL SCIENCE, LITERATURE, AND ..., 1837, p. 112

ERARD S[ebastian] & P[ierre] (*1847)(*1862)(xx1872)(xx1890)(y1907)(x1912)(x1926)

 'Pianofabrik' (xx1890)(x1906)(x1912) & 'Piano-Handlung' (x1906)(x1912) ------- 'Piano- u. Harfen-Grosshandlung' (x1926)

1906 - Owner London ? : Daniel MAYER (x1906)

NOTICE is hereby given, that His Majesty has been graciously pleased, with the advice of bis Privy Council, in consideration of the merits of the invention, and the difficulties encountered by him in establishing the work, to grant to Pierre Erard of Great Marlborough-street, Harp and Pianoforte Maker to Her Majesty and the Royal Family, pew Letters Patent for his Patentactioned Grand Pianoforte.
By His Majesty's Royal Letters Patent." The Musical World, 09/06/1837, p. 216


Advert for Erard Pianos, "The Musical Standard", 19th century (museumcollections.rcm.ac.uk)

Advert for Erard pianos 19/11/1898 (museumcollections.rcm.ac.uk)

Advert for Erard pianos (museumcollections.rcm.ac.uk)

Advert for Erard pianos ca. 1901 (museumcollections.rcm.ac.uk)

Advert for Erard pianos ca. 1901 (museumcollections.rcm.ac.uk)

The Council medal London, 1851 | Exhibitors list Paris, 1855 | Exhibitors list London, 1872


Everything about ERARD on this site


Online book of 1835 :  Erard's New patent action Grand Pianoforte, Pierre Erard, 1835, 16pp.


28, Broad Street (1786)(¹), [18], Great Marlborough Street, W. (*1825)(*1827)(*1828)(*1840)(**1841)(x1842)(*1847)(**1851)(*1852)(*1855)(*1858)(*1862)(**1863)(xx1872)(**1882)(**1884)(xx1890)(**1891)(*1893)(*1895)(**1895)(*1897)(*1899)(*1903)(*1906)(*1907)(*1910)(*1914)(*1915), Little Portman Street, Oxford Street (x1842), Factory : [16], Warwick Road, Kensington Road, W. (*1862)(***1868)(**1882)(**1884)(xx1890)(**1891), 18, Great Marlborough Street, W. (x1906)(y1907)(x1912)(x1926), 158a, Bond Street, W. (x1906),  London

Factory in Paris, France (x1906)

ERAT J. & J.


"J. and J. ERAT, patent harp and pianoforte manufacturers, 23, Berners-street, Oxford-street, have always on hand an assortment of second-hand INSTRUMENTS. Repairs of all kinds attended to. Harps and pianofortes for biro, strings, and every requisite always on hand." The Musical World, 05/01/1856, p. 1


'Patent Harp and Pianoforte manufacturers' ca. 1856


23, Berners Street, Oxford Street (**1856), London
ERNST E. C. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Orgel- u. Piano-Handlung' (x1926)

16, Pryme Street (x1926), Hull
EROICA Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1926

'Piano-, Sprechm.- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1926)

10, London Road (x1926), Bognor
ESDALE John & Co
'Pianoforte-makers' ca. 1884-93 6, Trinity House, 5, Water Lane, E.C. (**1884), Chalton Street, N.W. (**1884), 6, Water Lane, E. C. (*1893), London
ESTERFORD H. Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906 [since 1874 (x1906)]

'Piano-Handlung' (x1906)

34, Padwell Road (x1906), Southampton
ETHERIDGE 'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1900 ? London

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1901-26 [since 1792 (x1912)(x1926)]

ETHERINGTON & Son (**1901)

ETHERINGTON & Sons (x1912)(x1926)

 'Musikal.-, Piano-, Orgel-, Musikinstr.- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)

1912-26 - Owner : Edw. D. E. ETHERINGTON (x1912)(x1926)


[9]-[18], Bach House, Hill Street (**1901)(x1912)(x1926), Richmond near London
ETTRICK A. Douglas Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890

'Musiklehrer u. Pianohändler' (xx11890)

7, Clarenden Villas, Widcombe (xx1890), Bath

Factory in 1892, Music Trades Review, 15/01/1894, p. 30


Music Trades Review, 15/01/1894, p. 30



'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1882-1926

EUNGBLUT C[harles] & J. (**1882)(**1884)(**1891)

'Overstrung and vertical iron frames' (**1884) ------- 'Pianofabrik' (xx1890) ------- Piano-Fabrik' or 'Piano-Manufacturer' (x1906)(x1912)(x1926)

EUNGBLUT & EUNGBLUT (xx1890)(z1891)(*1893)(*1895)(*1897)(*1899)(*1903)(*1906)(*1907)(*1909)(*1914)(y1914)(*1915)

EUNGBLUT C. & J. [Ltd.] (**1895)(x1906)(y1907)(x1912)(*1921)(x1926)


 54, Queen Street, Camdentown, NW. (18??), [17-18], Prebend Street, [182], Collège Street, Camden Town [Station] (**1882)(**1884)(xx1890)(**1891)(*1893)(*1895)(**1895)(*1897)(*1899)(*1903)(*1906)(x1906)(*1907)(*1909)(*1910), Show room : Bony Street, Camden Town, N.W. (xx1890)(y1907), 174, Carlton Road, Kentish Town, N.W. (x1912)(*1914)(y1914)(*1915), 4, Market Road, N. (*1921), 3-5, Market Road, N. (x1926), London

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890-1915


 'Pianohandlung' (xx1890)(x1912)

EUNGBLUT & Co (x1912)

1912 - Owner : H. ROGERS (x1912)

EUNGBLUT, ROGERS & CO (*1914), according M. Pizzi taken over by   KEMBLE ca. 1960. See also under the name ROGERS


186, Great College Street (xx1890), 180-182-184-186, Great Collège Street, Camden Road, N.W. (x1906)(y1907)(*1914)(y1914)(*1915), 180-186, Great College Street, Camden Road (x1912), London
EVANS & Co  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-07 [since 1885 (x1906)]

EVANS & Co (x1906), 'Piano-Handlung'

Representative for BECHSTEIN (x1906)

EVANS, HAMILTON & Co (y1907)


143, High Road, Streatham (x1906)(y1907), London
EVANS Charles Frederick Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912

'Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1912)

Fortescue Road (x1912), Radstock
EVANS Harry  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912

'Piano- u. Orgel-Händler, auch -Stimmer u. Reparateur' (x1912)


247, Stanley Road (x1912), Bootle
EVANS Harry  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1912

'Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1912)


245, Stanley Road (x1912), Liverpool
EVANS Henry B.  

'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1884-1906 [since 1857 (xx1890)(x1906)]

EVANS H. B. & Co (xx1890), 'Piano- u. Harmonium-Fabrik u. Instr.-Handlung' in Blockey

EVANS H. B. Sons & Co (x1906)(y1907)

'Fabr. u. Import von Pianos u. Pianettes. (Früher in London: Haverstock Hill u. Gloucester St.)' (x1906)


138, Albert Street, Regent's Park, N.W. (**1884), 18, Haverstock Hill, N.W. and Gloucester Street [before (x1906)], London

Transferred to (x1906)(y1907), Blockley S.O., Worcester

EVANS John W.  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-26 [since 1897 (x1912)(x1926)]

'Piano- u. Orgel-Handlung' (x1906) ------- 'Fahrrad-, Piano-, Orgel- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1912)(x1926)


68, Park Road (x1906), 11, Eldon Street (x1912)(x1926), 1-3-4-5, Burlington Arcade (x1912), Barnsley
EVANS Robert William & LUCAS John  

1821 - "Notice is hereby given, that the Partnership lately subsisting and carried on by us the undersigned, Robert William Evans and John Lucas, under the firm of Evans and Lucas, as Musical Instrument-Makers, at No. 53, Cheapside, in the City of London, hath been this day dissolved by mutual consent; and that all debts owing to and from the said Copartnership will be received and paid by the said Robert Wiliam Evans, at Cheapside aforesaid. — Dated this 24th day of June 1821, R. W. Evans. - John Lucas." The London Gazette, 30/06/1821, p. 1379



'Musical Instrument makers' ca. 1821


53, Cheapside (**1821), London
EVANS Wardle Eastland



Patent of 1862 : "WARDLE EASTLAND EVANS, Market-place, Great Portland-street, London, Improvements in harmoniums, pianofortes, organs, and other similar keyed instruments." The Engineer, Volume 20, 1865, p. 428

Patent of 1865 : "Dec. 7, 1865. - W. E. EVANS. Transposing keyboard." The History of the Pianoforte: With an Account of the Theory of Sound and ..., Edgar Brinsmead, 1889, p. 218 - or - "A.D. 1865, December 7 - N° 3149. EVANS, Wardle Eastland. — (Provisional protection only.) —  Improvements in harmoniums, pianofortes, organs, and other  similar keyed instruments. This invention consists in a method of transposing the keys of music as may be desired. A portable or shifting keyboard is applied above the ordinary one; it is  fitted in grooves or guides attached to the body of  the instrument. Beneath the duplicate key-board is fixed a series of stickers or depressing pins for the purpose of actuating the lower keys by the pressure on the upper series; these depressors are to be brought so far forwards as to escape contact with the elevated black keys, as the sliding key-hoard is moved or shifted.



Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1862-1910

EVANS & Co (*1906)(*1907)(*1910)


The upper board may also be hinged at the back to enable it to be raised from the lower board when required. The stickers may be padded with india-rubber, or leather, or felt; they may be made in two parts, the lower to screw into the upper, so that the length may be accurately adjusted to suit the touch. By these arrangements the performer may transpose music by mechanical means into various keys. An index or representation of the under keys may be painted or otherwise applied behind the keys and on the body or front of the instrument, to denote the situation of the under board and to serve as a guide to the performer in the adjustment of the upper keys." Patents for Inventions: Abridgments of Specifications Relating to Paints ..., 1871, p. 464 - or - "EVANS, WARDLE EASTLAND. Harmoniums, pianofortes, organs and other similar keyed instruments. 7th December 1865." Subject-matter index of patents applied for and patents granted, by B. Woodcroft, 1867, p. 276


Market Place, Great Portland Street (*1865), 24, Castle Street, W. (*1906)(*1907)(*1910), London
EVANS Walter John  

'Pianoforte-maker' ca. 1862


77, Baker Street, Portman Square, W. (*1862), London

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-26

'Piano-Handlung' (x1906)(x1912) ------- 'Musikal.-, Piano- u. Sprechm.-Handlung' (x1926)

EVANS J. W. & Sons (x1926)


324-[326]-328, Barking Road, Plaistow, E. (x1906)(x1912)(x1926), London


Pianoforte-makers and/or pianoforte dealers, and mainly Music-Publishers ca. 1879-1910

EVERARD & Co (xx1879)

EVERARD & Son (19??)

123 , Upper Street (xx1879), 185, Upper Street, N. (*1906)(*1907)(*1910), London
EVERS William Watson  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906-12 [since 1869 (x1906)(x1912)]

'Piano-, Orgel- u. Saiten-Händler' (x1906) ------- 'Fahrrad-, sowie Piano-, Orgel- u. Saiteninstr.-Händler' (x1912)


13, High Steet (x1906), 40, West Street, Klempner (x1906), 8, Sandygate (x1912), Wath-on-Dearne

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890 [since 1854 (xx1890)]

'Piano-Handlung' (xx1890)


3, Eversfield Place (xx1890), St. Leonards
EWING Alex  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906

'Piano-Handlung' (x1906)

1906 - Owner : Ernest E. SQUIRE (x1906), see also E. E. SQUIRE, successor of EWING


9, New Broadway, Ealing, W. (x1906), London
EXCELSIOR PIANO Co Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1906

'Piano-, Orgel- u. Musikinstr.-Handlung' (x1906)

72, Manningham Lane (x1906), Bradford
EYRE Samuel Crowther  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890-1906 [since 1854 (x1906)]

'Pianohandlung' (xx1890) ------- 'Organist, Piano- u. Orgel-Händler' (x1906)


6, West Street (xx1890)(x1906), Congleton
EYRE William  

Pianoforte-maker and/or pianoforte dealer ca. 1890

'Pianohandlung' (xx1890)


80, New North Road, Hoxton, N. (xx1890), London


(**1793): 'Wakefield's Merchant and Tradesman's General Directory for London', 1793, Elwick p. 98, England p. 100

(*1803): 'Kent's Directory for 1803 : Containing an Alphabetical List of the Names and ...', 1803, Edwards p. 65

(***1803): 'An Essay on the Law of Patents for New Inventions, to which are Prefixed Two ...', 1803, Erard p. 92

(*1814): 'The Post-Office Annual Directory for 1814'

(*1816): 'The Post office London directory', 1816, p. (Edwards) 106 (babel.hathitrust.org)

(*1817): 'The Post office London directory', 1817, p. (Edwards) 106 (babel.hathitrust.org)

(*1818): 'Johnstone's London Commercial Guide, and Street Directory; on a New and More ...', 1818, p. 118

(z1818): 'The Poll for Two Members to Serve in Parliament for the Borough of Great ...', 1818, p. 15

(*1820): 'The Post Office London directory', 1820, p. 114 (babel.hathitrust.org)

(**1821): 'The London Gazette', 30/06/1821, p. 1379

(*1823): 'Kent's Original London Directory', 1823

(*1825): 'The New Monthly Magazine and Literary Journal', Part 3, 1825, p. 120

(*1827): 'The Repertory of Patent Inventions: And Other Discoveries and Improvements ...', 1827, p. 192

(*1828): 'Newton's London Journal of Arts and Sciences: Being Record of the ...', Volume 14, 1828, p. 27

(z1834): 'Gore's Directory of Liverpool and Its Environs for the Year 1834', p. 115

(x1836): 'Mathews's Annual Bristol Directory and Commercial List: Being an Entire ...', 1836, p. 78

(*1840): 'Mechanics Magazine', Volume 33, 1840, p. 351

(**1841): 'Post Office London Directory', 1841, p. 807 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(x1842): 'Robson's London Directory', 1842, p. 1598 -1599 (archive.org)

(*1843): 'The Post Office London Directory', 1843

(y1846): 'Slater's National Commercial Directory of Ireland; Including in Addition to ...', 1846, Manchester p. 38, Liverpool p. 24, Leeds p. 75, Birmingham p. 27, Bristol p. 14

(*1847): 'The Post Office London Directory', 1847, p. 1308

(**1851): 'Official description and illustrated catalogue of the Great exhibition 1851', p. 465-469

(y1851): 'The British Colonies : their history, extent, condition and resources', 1851, p. 5 (archive.org)

(*1852): 'Newton's London Journal of Arts and Sciences', 1852, p. 540

(**1852): 'Post Office London Directory', 1852

(y1853): 'Gore's Directory of Liverpool & its Environs', 1853 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(y1854): 'The British colonies : their history, extent, condition and resources', 1854, p. 8 (archive.org)

(*1855): 'Paris universal exhibition', 1855, p. 70

(**1855): 'The London Gazette', 26/10/1855, p. 3967 (thegazette.co.uk)

(xx1855): 'Post office Kelly's directory of Hampshire, Dorsetshire, Wiltshire', 1855, p. 293

(xxx1855): 'Post Office Directory of Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire', 1855, p. 188

(**1856): 'The Musical World', 05/01/1856, p. 1

(y1857): 'The British colonies : their history, extent, condition and resources', 1857, p. 5 (archive.org)

(*1858): 'Annuaire-almanach du commerce, de l'industrie, de la magistrature et de l'administration : ou almanach des 500.000 adresses de Paris, des départements et des pays étrangers : Firmin Didot et Bottin réunis', 1858, p. 2249

(*1862): 'The Post Office London Directory', 1862, p. 1676-1677

(x1862): 'International exhibition, 1862 : Official catalogue of the industrial department', 1862, p. 54

(**1863): 'Chronological and Descriptive Index of Patents Applied for and Patents', 1863, p. 38

(***1863): 'The Post Office Directory of Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Shropshire, and ...', 1863, p. 154

(*1864): 'Chronological index of patents applied for and patents', 1864, p. 49

(***1868): 'Allen's West London Street Directory, 1868, by Samuel Allen (gutenberg.jump&read)

(x1868): 'The Choir, and musical record', 03/10/1863, p. 133

(*1870): 'The Engineer', Volume 36, 1873, p. 358

(*1872): 'Journal of the Society of Arts', Volume 20, 1872, p. 889

(xx1872): 'The international guide to British and foreign merchants and manufacturers ...', 1872, London p. 382-384

(xx1879): 'The Musical Times', 01/12/1879, p. 627

(**1880): 'The Commercial directory of Liverpool, and shipping guide', 1880, Aberdeen p. 808, Armagh p. 844, Belfast p. 837, Halifax p. 975, Huddersfield p. 982, Liverpool p. 333-334, London p. 473, Manchester p. 436

(**1882): 'Post Office London Directory', 1882, p. 412 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(y1882): 'The London Gazette', 21/11/1882, p. 5315

(**1884): 'Business Directory of London', 1884, p. 618-619 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(**1885): 'The Furniture Gazette', 01/07/1885, p. 309-311

(xx1890): 'Weltadressbuch der gesammten Musikinstrumenten-Industrie', 1890, Bath p. 152, Blockey p. 155, Chester p. 161, Congleton p. 162, Darwen p. 163, Halifax p. 169, Hanley p. 169, London PF p. 176-177 & London PD p. 178-182, Northwich p. 195, Redhill p. 198, St. Leonards p. 203, Stockton-on-Tees p. 203, Sudbury p. 204 (digital.slub-dresden.de)

(**1891): 'Post Office London Trades Directory', 1891, p. 480-481 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(y1891): 'Kelly's Post Office London Directory', 1891

(*1893): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1893, p. 656-664 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(*1895): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1895, p. 717-718 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(**1895): 'Post Office London Directory, 1895, p. 2038-2039 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(*1897): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1897, p. 834-841 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(*1899): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1897, p. 1010-1017 (gallica.bnf.fr)


(**1901): 'Kelly's London Suburban Directory', 1901, p. 1050-1051 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(*1903): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1903, p. 1103-1110 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(*1906): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique', 1906, p. 1091-1100 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(x1906): 'Weltadressbuch der gesammten Musikinstrumenten-Industrie', 1906, Altrincham p. 374, Barnsley p. 376, Blackburn p. 381, Blockley p. 381, Bolton p. 382, Bradford p. 383, Brentwood p. 384, Brighton p. 385, Chester p. 389, Colne p. 391, Congleton p. 392, Darwen p. 394, Dewsbury p. 394-395, Halifax p. 404-405, Hanley p. 405, Haslingden p. 405, London PF p. 417-420 & London PD p. 423-434, Nelson p. 468, Oldbury p. 472, Peterborough p. 474, St. Alban's p. 480, Southampton p. 484, Stroud p. 487, Sudbury p. 488, Watford p. 493, Wath-on-Dearne p. 493, West Hartlepool p. 494, Worcester p. 497 (digital.sim.spk-berlin.de)

(*1907): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1907, p. 1094-1104 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(y1907): 'Kelly's Directory of Merchants, Manufacturers and Shippers', 1907, p. 13-14, London p. 5-6

(*1909): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1909, p. 1105-1113 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(*1910): 'Annuaire des artistes et de l'enseignement dramatique et musical', 1910, p. 1144-1153 (gallica.bnf.fr)

(y1910): 'Musical Opinion and Music Trade Review', Volume 33, 1910, p. 317

(x1912): 'Welt-Adressbuch der gesamten Musikinstrumenten-Industrie', 1912, Alfreton p. 500, Altrincham p. 501, Barnsley p. 503, Blackburn p. 508, Bolton p. 509, Bootle p. 510, Boston p. 510, Brentwood p. 511, Brighton p. 512-513, Castleford p. 517, Chester p. 518, Clitheroe p. 519, Colne p. 520, Darwen p. 522, Earlestown p. 526, Farnworth p. 529, Gateshead-on-Tyne p. 530, Hanley p. 535, Harrow-on-the Hill p. 535, Haslingden p. 535, Hexam p. 537, Huddersfield p. 538-539, Leeds p. 543-545, Liverpool p. 546-457, London PF p. 550-554 & London PD p. 559-572, Longton p. 601, Middlesborough p. 606Nottingham p. 610-611, Petersborough p. 614, Portsmouth p. 615, Radstock p. 616, Richmond p. 617, St. Albans p. 619, Spennymoor p. 625, Stockton-on-Tees p. 626, Sunderland p. 627, Tunbridge-Wells p. 630, Watford p. 632, Wath-on-Dearne p. 632, West Hartlepool p. 633, Worcester p. 636, Yeovil p. 637 (digital.sim.spk-berlin.de)

(*1914): 'Post Office London Directory', 1914, p. 1837-1838 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(y1914): 'Kelly's manufacturers and merchants directory, including industrial services', 1914, p. 3019-3020 London p. 2356-2357 (archive.org)

(*1915): 'Post Office London Directory', 1915, p. 1796-1797 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(*1916): 'Post Office London County Suburbs Directory', 1916, p. 606 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(*1917): 'Post Office London County Suburbs Directory', 1917, p. 592-593 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(*1918): 'Post Office London County Suburbs Directory', 1918, p. 571-572 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(*1919): 'Post Office London County Suburbs Directory', 1919, p. 555 (specialcollections.le.ac.uk)

(*1921): 'The Music Trade Directory', Volume 32, 1921

(x1921): 'Kelly's Directory of Stationers, Printers, Booksellers, Publishers and ...', 1921, Liverpool p. 954-966

(x1926): 'Weltadressbuch der gesammten Musikinstrumenten-Industrie', 1926,  Alfreton p. 187, Barnsley p. 190, Bath p. 191, Birmingham p. 194-196, Blackpool p. 197, Blackwood p. 197, Bognor p. 198, Bolton p. 198, Boston p. 198, Brentwood p. 200, Brighton p. 200-201, Chester p. 207, Chester-le-Street p. 207, Cockermouth p. 209, Earlestown p. 218, Hanley p. 229-230, Harrow-on-the-Hill p. 230, Hexam p. 232, Hull p. 234-235, Jarrow-on-Tyne p. 236, Leeds p. 239-240, London PF p. 246-252 & London PD p. 260-269, Longton p. 294, Manchester p. 296-300, Middlesborough p. 301, Nottingham p. 307, Pendleton p. 311, Portsmouth p. 314, Preston p. 315, Richmond p. 317, St. Albans p. 319, Southporth p. 325-326, Spennymoor p. 328, Stockton-on-Tees p. 329, Stroud p. 329-330, Sunderland p. 330, Tunbridge-Wells p. 334, Watford p. 326, West Hartlepool p. 338 (digital.sim.spk-berlin.de)

(¹): 'Histoire de piano de 1700 à 1950', Mario Pizzi, 1983

(²): 'Makers of the Piano 1700-1820' and 'Makers of the Piano 1820-1860', Martha Novak Clinkscale, 1993

(³): Norfolk: Great Yarmouth, Voting Registers - Poll 1818

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